How can I tell if a patent is expired?

A common question (or variation)I get asked is “I have an idea that is based on that is based on a product that was patented at one point, how can I tell if the product is still patented so I don’t infringe?” Start-ups ask this question to 1) try to limit their liability even if [...]

By |2013-04-22T23:12:25-05:00February 27th, 2013|Patent Basics|Comments Off on How can I tell if a patent is expired?

Patent Enablement: What level of detail do I need for a patent?

A question I get asked often is, “I have an idea, I think it is new, but I do not totally understand the technology I am working with or how to code my invention, what level of description do I need to know when writing a patent?” First, the law on this subject is governed [...]

By |2013-02-25T20:59:41-06:00February 25th, 2013|Patent Basics|Comments Off on Patent Enablement: What level of detail do I need for a patent?


AN AUSTIN PATENT ATTORNEY’S OVERVIEW: The technology in this case relates to electrical circuits, and specifically placement of components within circuits to measure time intervals of the circuits. In this case, GuideTech, appeals the district courts grant of summary judgment that Brilliant Instruments did not infringe on three of GuideTech’s Patents (U.S. Patent Number 6,226,231; [...]

By |2013-02-25T18:48:06-06:00February 25th, 2013|Patent Attorney Takeaways|Comments Off on AN AUSTIN PATENT ATTORNEY REVIEW: BRILLIANT INSTRUMENTS V. GUIDETECH


AN AUSTIN PATENT ATTORNEY’S OVERVIEW: Function Media (FM) sued Google for infringement of three patents, 6,446,045; 7,240,025; and 7,249,059. These patents were directed for ways to facilitate advertisements on media outlet that do not have the same requirements. Such as, one media outlet may publish advertisements in a square box while a second media outlet [...]

By |2013-02-16T22:01:38-06:00February 16th, 2013|Patent Attorney Takeaways|Comments Off on AN AUSTIN PATENT ATTORNEY’S REVIEW OF FUNCTION MEDIA V. GOOGLE

When should my start-up file a patent?

There are several key dates associated with obtaining a patent. The American Invents Act will be implemented March 16, 2013. The main change of this Act is making the US a first-to-file patent system where the first inventor to file a patent gets a priority claim to the invention. This is contrary to the current [...]

By |2013-02-04T22:10:44-06:00February 4th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on When should my start-up file a patent?
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